Friday, September 5, 2008

Its Friday!!!

I woke up at 4 this morning with a stomach ache and am still not over it. Mike and I both ate Thai Red Curry that I fixed and he is fine, thankfully. I think that eating spicy foods and having a cup of coffee caused heart burn. I don't have time to get old.

So I was intending to tell you a long story about going to the store to buy toilet paper and a compost bin, but I think I'll just get to the point. I learned how to rent a shopping cart at the store yesterday... I have the pictures to prove it.
The bizarre overview of the situation is this...

I rented a shopping cart for 2CHF
in downtown Basel, Switzerland
and took a picture of myself with
my iPhone while riding the
"Rollband" (which is like a specialized
conveyor belt) between the floors of the store.

No wonder I have heartburn!

Oh, BTW if you are ever in Basel and find yourself searching for snowpeas to put in your Thai Curry, don't bother. ;-)

What else? I think we are going to Bern tomorrow for a change of scenery. I'll take some pictures.

I forgot to pack an extra deoderant for Mike; it is all in the shipping containers. So, I'm off to the store. This should take me at least 2 hours!!!


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